An independent claims administration and regulatory company


UAB Finance property was established in 2009. Since 2010 our company provides complex and partial claims administration, personal property and real estate appraisal, realization of damaged property, audit and other services.

The goal of UAB Finance property is to provide high-quality and fast services.

Exclusive attention to the client, a professional team providing services throughout Lithuania – these are the elements that ensure the successful implementation of goals.

In cooperation with external companies and using internal resources, we constantly study the level of customer satisfaction. Based on the results, we implement a change policy that allows us to get even closer to the customer.

Since the beginning of our activity, we have paid special attention to the formation of a professional team – thanks to it, we have become one of the largest claims administration and property valuation companies in Lithuania.

We are happy to offer you quality services that meet your needs!


Private and business clients are provided with the services of an independent personal property and real estate damage expert

Claims administration

PLLC Finance property provides the following claims administration services:

  • Accident registration.
  • Inspection of damaged property. The inspection will be performed within the shortest possible time at the place indicated by the policyholder or the victim, a report on the inspection of the damaged property shall be drawn up, and the damage shall be photographed.
  • Incident investigation. A documentary analysis of the insurance case is performed, inquiries are sent to the competent authorities, manufacturers, representatives, and other relevant persons. Site inspection, investigation of the nature and compatibility of damage, cooperation with other insurers and the like. Inspection of the scene, investigation of the nature and compatibility of damage, cooperation with other insurers, etc. 
  • Calculation of the amount of loss and insurance benefit. We determine property value before accident using special programs (AUDATEX, SISTELA, etc.), the residual value of the property is calculated / determined
  • Payment of the decision on insurance benefits, non- payment or provision of its reduction.

Realization of damaged property 

According to the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, the amount of loss is usually assessed as the difference between the value of the property before and after the damage. For this reason, the realization of damaged property is usually the concern of the property owner.

PLLC “Finance property” performs:

  • Disposal of vehicle and other assets. In cooperation with the buyers of damaged vehicles (UAB “Eksporto vystymo grupė”, we will present the best purchase offer for your vehicle.
  • Sale of other damaged property (e.g., inventory, goods, etc.).

Property Valuation

Qualified and highly experienced appraisers of PLLC Finance property provide movable and real estate appraisal services promptly and at competitive prices, and, in cooperation with business partners, can also offer a business appraisal service. Our specialists work all over Lithuania. We provide valuation services to individuals and companies, including banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions.

Real estate  – a plot of land and related objects that cannot be moved from one place to another without changing their purpose and substantially reducing their value, as well as property (movable objects) recognized as real estate by law. Examples of real estate include plots of land for various purposes, residential buildings and premises (apartments, houses), commercial buildings and premises, structures (engineering networks, fences, courtyards), fossil and specialized property, ships and aircraft, etc.

Movable property  – property  that can be transferred from one place to another without changing its purpose and without substantially reducing its value, unless otherwise provided by law. Examples of movable property include vehicles, process equipment, inventories, and so on. Our car experts, who have the qualification of an assessor, can use the programs certified by the Republic of Lithuania to determine not only the value of your vehicle, but also the amount of losses incurred due to the accident.

Movable and real estate property is valued for financial reporting, taxation, insurance, loss determination, mortgaging, transfer of ownership and other purposes. In other words, appraisal services may be important and necessary to you when buying, selling, donating, inheriting, renting, merging with other assets, or separating from a common property, when you pledge to obtain a loan, when you want to insure or declare it, financial accounting documents when you form the company’s share capital and in case of corporate bankruptcy.


It would seem that for a small business, the sustainability term and the changes associated with it should indeed sound daunting, but we are well aware that they do not necessarily mean major changes or additional costs.

Sustainable and responsible activities – become a daily routine of our company.

We understand that the environment in which the future generation will live depends on our real actions and aspirations in our daily processes. We are a socially responsible company, so we care about the environment in which we operate.

Business ethics are an integral part of our company.

In both the company’s internal and external communications, we rely on high moral principles to build relationships with partners based on honesty, fairness, trust, and commitment.We realize that we must be responsible for our actions, take into account the needs of society, contribute to the preservation of the environment, social development, so we act responsibly, act with integrity, do not tolerate any manifestations of corruption, bribery or dishonest cooperation, care for the environment, our image, employees and society.We integrate the principles of business ethics into all areas of our activities, thus creating an internal culture of the company that motivates our employees to make ethical decisions and adhere to ethical norms, creates greater social responsibility for each employee and improves the image of our company.

Employees and internal and external culture are the foundation of our business success.

It is important for us that our employees feel safe, motivated and respected not only by the management of our company, but also by the customers in whose premises or environment our employees work, regardless of their gender, education, disability, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, economic situation.We constantly encourage dialogue between the employee and the manager, during which we create suitable conditions for the employee to express their personal views on opportunities for improvement, pay, reading. Based on the results of the employee survey, we decide what else we need to do so that all our employees can best express themselves and improve in their daily work.Only constructive cooperation ensures the company’s business continuity, which creates value for customers and employees.We constantly take care of the health of our employees and the safe working environment, assess the possible dangers and take measures to eliminate those dangers.We responsibly provide our employees with personal safety equipment and strive to reduce the risk of accidents at work to a minimum.

Quality, professional service and sincere customer attention are our values.

Our customers and their well-being are very important to us, so we try to ensure the maximum quality of service, because only quality work ensures customer satisfaction and continuity of service.

We have implemented a Quality Control System in our activities and have described it in our internal documents. This allows us to focus on the customer’s needs and ensure the highest quality of our service.

Environmental protection is one of the key aspects of a company’s sustainable operations.

We use advanced equipment and the latest technologies in our activities, analyze and regulate the consumption of the tools required to perform the service, and pay a lot of attention to the management and monitoring of the service process.

The main source of our environmental impact is the use of vehicles to fulfill customer orders. When renewing fleet leases, we are considering switching to lighter, fuel-efficient, hybrid or electric vehicles. In addition to the low-emission fleet, we plan the work in such a way as to minimize the need for excessive travel to and from work. We try to fulfill as many orders as possible in one trip. This is facilitated by the company’s online acceptance and transfer order system. Administration staff are counted on to work remotely, as a result of which we reduce fuel emissions.

In the office, we have discarded disposable water bottles, the production resources of which significantly contribute to environmental pollution, and we try to use as little office supplies as possible. Document storage has been transferred to computer systems. This not only saves money, but also reduces the negative impact on the environment and creates an ecological habit.

We sort waste responsibly and make sure that electronic equipment, portable batteries and accumulators can be disposed of free of charge.

We will immediately inform our customers, partners and other parties of any unusual situation in which there is a risk of damage to the environment and take all measures to reduce / avoid that impact and, if this has not been avoided, to eliminate the consequences.

The head of the company is one of the first proponents of the Lithuanian fisherman’s “catch-release” movement, contributing to the growth and conservation of fish stocks for future generations.

When managing our finances, we follow the laws and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, settle accounts with our employees and suppliers, partners, customers on time, and pay taxes to the state in good faith.During the difficult period for the company, we settled honestly with former and current employees and suppliers, which resulted in the company maintaining a reliable company name and the trust of customers and partners.When choosing partners, we are guided by the principles of transparency, we do not seek unfair advantage to ourselves, we adhere to the principles of cooperation. We are striving for a sustainable financial situation.


You will find us

Address: Mindaugo g. 14B, LT-03225, Vilnius


Phone number: +370 687 79970


Company code: 302301400

VAT code: LT100004526111

2021  © Financeproperty | | +370 6 877 9970 | Privatumo politika